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Data from Israel's largest HMO reveal: an increase in the number of cancer diagnoses starting in 2021

| 3554 צפיות

The data from 'Clalit', obtained through a Freedom of Information request, also indicate an increase in the incidence of breast cancer starting in 2021, coinciding with the start of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Israel. The number of diagnoses is 4.5 to 5 times greater than the number among the unvaccinated

| Yaffa Shir-Raz | English

"I was also diagnosed with a recurrence of the disease between the time I received the first COVID vaccine and the second vaccine, and I had a feeling that there was some connection, perhaps even an acceleration of the recurrence of the disease after receiving the vaccine. When I first got triple-negative breast cancer, I was defined as an early diagnosis. The recurrence of the disease surprised my doctors. The diagnosis of the recurrence of the disease was about two or three weeks after I received the first Pfizer vaccine against COVID. The first vaccine was accompanied by serious side effects, which included, among other things, distorted movements of the facial nerve, chest pains, and more."

This testimony is one of many that have emerged in the last two years in social media cancer groups. Attorney Tal Amior Nagar, herself a breast cancer survivor and a member of one such group of breast cancer patients and survivors, could not help but notice this trend, of many new reports of breast cancer morbidity, and of the recurrence of cancer in women who have recovered from the disease.

"I myself have recovered from breast cancer, and I am closely following the increasing number of reports on the connection between COVID vaccines and cancer," she says. "Therefore, it was a red light for me when I began to notice that more and more women were joining the group. When I myself joined in May 2016 after I was diagnosed, there were about 2,500 women in the group. At the end of 2020, with the start of the vaccination campaign, the number jumped to 5,500, and today the group has more than 8,300 women. More women also report the recurrence of cancer, local or metastatic, even after a short period, which is very rare in breast cancer, and unfortunately, there are also more women who died. At the same time, I saw many posts from women who wondered whether there is a connection between their vaccination and the fact they got sick. They asked whether other women also think so, and were answered by a significant number of women who also had such suspicions."

She, therefore, turned to the general health fund, the fund that insures more than half of the population in Israel, and requested through a freedom of information request to receive data on cancer diagnoses in general, and breast cancer specifically.
Indeed, from the data issued to her, it appears that in 2021 and the first half of 2022 there was an increase in the number of breast cancer diagnoses at Clalit.
This increase is concerning, since according to data from the Center for Cancer Diseases in Israel, since 2018 there has been a decrease in the incidence of cancer of all types in the country. A similar decrease was also recorded in the 'Clalit' data. The data shows that since 2018 there has been a gradual and consistent decrease in the number of cancer diagnoses - from 9,554 in the first half of that year to 8,498 cases in the first half of 2020.

However, starting from the second half of 2020, there was a turning point, when the number of diagnoses began to increase - an increase that strengthened in the following medians and reached a peak in the first median of 2022, with 10,128 diagnoses - that is, an increase of over 17% in the number of diagnoses compared to 2018.

"These data indicate an increase in the number of cases since the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign," says David Shuldman, a systems analyst, who analyzed Clalit's data. Admittedly, already in the second half of 2020 there was a slight increase in cancer diagnoses, but this increase can be attributed to the postponement of the diagnoses during the first quarantine period."

WhatsApp Image 2023 02 28 at 12.58.06As for the second half of 2022 - it seems that the data received is not final.

The number of diagnoses is 4.5 to 5 times greater than the number among the unvaccinated

Furthermore, from additional data on the diagnosis of cancer in 'Clalit', with data segmented according to vaccination status, it is clear that the increase in the number of cancer cases is among vaccinated people, and not among unvaccinated. This trend increased during 2021 and in the first half of 2022. In fact, the data indicates that among the vaccinated the number of diagnoses is 4.5 to 5 times greater than the number among the unvaccinated!

WhatsApp Image 2023 02 28 at 19.50.24

 Cancer erupted in full size after the vaccination

As can be seen from the graph below, based on the data received in response to the FOI request, in 2021 there was also an increase in the incidence of breast cancer - 3,570 diagnoses, compared to 3,214 in 2020.

WhatsApp Image 2023 02 28 at 12.58.32

 The many testimonies provided by Attorney Amior Nagar are very reminiscent of the flow of testimonies posted by women on social media about menstrual disorders, which were also initially silenced by the Ministry of Health and senior doctors, until the connection could no longer be denied.
For example, Y., another member of the group that includes attorney Amior Nagar, writes: "It happened to me after the vaccinations. Strong pains in the breast. Metastatic cancer within six months. Been treated for a year and the road is long. I am linking (cancer) to the vaccines...!".
"I believe that the vaccine was a trigger for the outbreak of the disease..." says G. "I had breast examination before (getting) the vaccine and after (getting) the vaccine and the oncologist says it's crazy that I developed such a large tumor (10 cm) within a year. In the examination before the vaccination I had cysts. that's it".
D., another member in the group, writes: "It no longer matters to me what happened. But it is clear to me that many things happened to my body from the first to the fourth vaccination. Circumcision on the legs, bleeding on the hands, various pains... and here I am today after the first chemo."

V., who was also defined as a breast cancer survivor, says: "I have been under surveillance for several years, and the cancer erupted in its full size only after the vaccine."

Clalit is the largest HMO in Israel, and according to National Insurance data, more than half of the population in the country is insured by it.

It should be noted that initially, Clalit refused to segment the data according to COVID vaccination status, claiming that the data "could lead to wrong conclusions". Only after attorney Amior Nagar submitted a letter of extraction of procedures, the HMO changed its approach and issued the segmented data as requested.

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